Thursday 27 June 2024

Gay daddy divorces wife for sodomy

This is a letter of rebuke and correction that I wrote to a married music pastor with 2 kids. He decided he was gay and separated from his wife to pursue a boyfriend. They were married for 18 years. He was approaching retirement. At the time of this letter they were starting divorce proceedings. He is my brother-in-law and ex-brother in Christ. Do not shy from rebuking evil my friends, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline" (2 Tim 1:7 NLT).


It is with a sad heart that news of your family's pending demise has reached me, and the approaching forfeiture of your salvation.

Seeing, as you seem misdirected to exchange the Savior’s stigmata for the devil’s astigmatism, allow me the charity to offer clarity in the attempt to unfurl your malfunctioning eyelids so they may once again be opened.

This is an act of love brother-in-law. It would be much easier for me to affirm and ignore.

Brother, why have you closed your eyes to Christ’s glory and light? Why do you look upon yourself, instead of His majesty? Why has narcissism made you narcoleptic to His holy Word and righteousness?  Your newfound identity is Pride? Gay Pride parades, pride, pride, pride … look at the word you wish to embrace. What does the Bible say about pride? The devil has taken one of the 7 deadly sins and elevated it to the height of a rainbow. Do you not see God’s warning in the word describing this ideology? 

Do not be self-deceived, and allow one who loves you to appeal to you in this letter of correction. Your new pathway leads to death.

I wonder what strange voices the devil’s digital medium has sent you, to twist your mind in self-adsorbed confusion? I wonder what spawn you have allowed into your fold, to teach you `the cult of self’.

The question is rhetorical. I know the source of the spirits that plague you. Unbeknownst to you, you have a demon. The Lord’s children are targeted brother. I am a target. Your wife is a target. And you are a target. Pray, for the Lord Jesus to remove the demonic activity in your family (before you make any rash decisions). You are the spiritual head of your family. The Lord Jesus has given you that mantle. This is a serious responsibility and is not about you, it is about Him, and it is about Them;  it is about the They whom He has entrusted to you - your family. You seem blind to this dynamic, and need to understand that there is a focused spiritual attack being executed, upon you. Demonic spirits want to destroy you and those entrusted to you.  I have had my bouts with the demonic, and talk with experience. Re-read `The Screwtape Letters’ to remember what you forgot.

Now, brother-in-law, you say you’re a sodomite! Or do you want to be sodomized? Do you hear yourself? You are saying your identity is not in Christ but in anal sex. What? It has been relayed to me that you offered serpentine argumentation, worldly logic, to defend this newfound sinful proclivity:

“Why would God make me this way”?

That statement is blasphemous. Are you so far gone that you accuse God for your sin?  Step back from the precipice and open your eyes, before you fall completely into darkness.

Allow me to speak crudely to expose the lunacy of that statement.

There was a story of a farmer being arrested in the paper. This farmer was charged with screwing his sheep.

So I ask you Bertram, why did God make this farmer want to f*ck sheep?

Why did God make the adulterous want to f*ck other women?

Why did God make the pedophile want to f*ck children?

Why did God make Jack the Ripper want to cut prostitutes’ throats?

Why did God make Hitler want to kill jews?

Why did God make Bertram want anal intercourse with men?

He didn’t. These are perversions of God’s order. And you see how disgusting it is to accuse God of making people do these things. One who fears God would never say such a blasphemous thing.  Remember, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Do you not fear God?

Interestingly enough, despite any obvious objections or denials that you may now claim to believe, deep down, you still know sodomy is sinful and that homosexuality is wicked. This will haunt you. Despite your attempts to deaden your conscience with lust, I know you know it’s wrong. Who has bewitched and confounded you to exchange God’s love for a mans? The world is dark about you, and your path is confused. Step back to sanitizing sanity.

May this letter be a flashlight for you. Please strain to hear through the devil’s noise.

I have heard you now engage in gay apologetics, to justify your aberrant walk. Others (who also love you) feel I should offer you scriptural clarity to counterbalance those false teachers. Now I may be wrong here, but I don’t think that is necessary. As I previously just stated: I know, you know, sodomy is anti-Christ.

So instead, as I usually do, I will appeal to you from a different trajectory.  So, I will need you to slow down, focus, and listen to what I am going to say. You think this is about homosexuality. You think this is about self-fulfillment and being true to yourself. You have studied false teachers to tickle your ears and have let demons flatter you into a false sense of worth. You think your path is permissible. And you think this while you actively seek unlawful divorce?

There are two grounds for divorce given in scripture. One is when an unbelieving partner leaves a Christian. The Christian is then freed of that marital bond and may seek another partner. The second is when your spouse commits adultery.  Neither of these are applicable to you.

Bertram, you are about to divorce your spouse. Against God’s will. Make no mistake here, Laura is your covenantal partner to the pearly gates. Without her, you are damned. There is no salvation for you without her.

I don’t think you understand this. Unrepentant sin can not be forgiven. You swore an oath to God that Laura would be your bride until the covenant is broken with death. If you separate from her, you will be living in continual unrepentant sin. And ANY SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP outside of your marriage is ADULTERY. You will be living in unrepentant, perpetual adultery.

Remember that marriage is a metaphor for God’s relationship with us, with His Church. God is the Husband and the Church is His bride. When you sever your union with your wife, it is like God severing His relationship with you.

Pray that the demons leave you and that you can see God’s truth again. Ask Him to test my words for truth!

Jesus instructed us to pray: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”. The temptation spoken of here is demonic. You have a demon. Pray.

So what good is your gay apologist when you are forbidden to divorce? Why are you so confused?

“I was born this way”. You have exchanged the teachings of the apostles for Lady Gaga.

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. As for Bertram and his house, he will serve Lady Gaga.


Am I knocking your stupor out?

Do you really think that God made you to smear feces on your penis?

The vulgarity is to shock you out of your sterilized view of wickedness.

“I was always different” … “I didn’t fit in” … “I wasn’t accepted by others”.


Do you think that is particular to you??

I myself was always an outsider in school and at work. I wasn’t like the children of the world. I served God. And this made me peculiar. Weird. An outcast. Hated. Because darkness hates light.

So you were an outcast because you didn’t fornicate, get drunk, or engage in debauchery. “Woe to those that are heroes at drinking wine” (Is5). If we did those things, they would have accepted us. Holy means “set apart”: as in, set apart from the children of this world. Why would you want to fit in with those that hate Jesus? Sigh.

Let’s shift gears again here. “I don’t feel motivated to f*ck my wife, or have that base desire towards women – therefore I must be gay”.

Your newfound desire to measure yourself for normality by comparing yourself to the wicked is puzzling. Reject the wisdom of this world.

Don’t you know that lust for women is not of God? The cherishing of a wife is. The Catholics are correct when they say that the purpose of sex is procreation, not self-gratification. The Bible’s view differs from porn. Why do you think you should be walking around lusting for sex? I’ll say it again, lust for women is not of God, but the cherishing of a wife is.

Do you identify as gay? As homosexual?

I identify in Christ. Do not let sin become your identity. Hell is real. Fear God. Repent to Laura, and reconcile your marriage.

Do it quickly brother, before you are damned.

I say these things because I love you and want to prompt you to seek reconciliation with your wife, and with our holy Judge, the Lord Jesus. Take your gaze off of yourself and shift it back onto Christ and your family.

I will pray that God assists you in regaining your sight, so we can forget this nonsense and instead focus on glorifying Jesus. 

In love and concern, your brother-in-law.


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