The Nosebot Press: A Discernment and Apologetics Website
(An outreach division of Nosebot Ministries)
Seeing the compounded world through compound eyes and conveying Horsefly Horse-sense.

A place for equipping (apologetics), healing (the gospel), analyzing (ripping cults and false teachers), learning (theology and biblical studies), and an arse kicking if need be. All to God's glory. I also touch on politics, science, software, and pretty much anything else that tickles my fancy (and hopefully tickles yours). Articles come in two flavours: most are written in a language for the grounded Christian (Church speak), but others adopt a more worldly form of expression for the potential Christian (non-Church speak). I endevour to communicate in a language people can readily understand, and to tackle topics that have cultural relevance, even if the topic matter isn't always for polite society :).
I also dabble in software reviews.
(Note: pic is actually Arnie, and head is actually a fly - it's a metaphoric me)
All contributors will retain their full rights on their content. Links directing to your page can be provided here as well. So feel free to submit what God has put on your heart to the email below. God bless.
Mr. Nosebot
Studied Zoology and Theology at graduate level. A biologist in a past life ...
A teen Minecraft enthusiast.
Jill Marie Storm
Jill has been contributing her writings (opinion, fiction and nonfiction) to various print newspapers and magazines since 1999. This is her first online article. She sang on her church's worship team for four straight years until becoming a mother. Her ministry now isn't about what she can do. Rather it's about raising her kids entrenched in God's undying love. Jill lives in South Florida with her husband, son and daughter.
Talk to me:
are like parasitic stagworms*. When we're exposed to them they enter
our head as tiny larval thoughts. Once inside, they move to the base of
our tongue
and bide their time. When maturity is reached they spew forth
from our mouths to infect others. And the life cycle continues ...