Friday, 29 July 2016
Spiritual sociology and the zombie apocalypse
Monday, 11 July 2016
Saturday, 2 July 2016
Flyleaf: "I'm so sick, Infected with where I live". - The Christian's Conundrum.
How to crawl out of this hole? As the Flyleaf song sings:
"I'm so sick, Infected with where I live"
... the allures of the flesh (of this world) are ever before us and within us. As Paul voiced this tension,
"Who will save me from this body of death (Romans 7:24)?". The Flyleaf song sings of sexual tension, but the lures are many. How does one resist the want of carnality, the hunger of iniquity? How does one deflect the attraction of the flesh? And we hear Paul’s reply,
"Thanks be to God who delivers me through Jesus Christ my Lord (Romans 7:25)." Dwell not on the thoughts of the flesh, on the desires for sinful satisfaction. Dwell on and with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. We are prone to stray thoughts. These we must contend with in till the Lord’s return. Yet we should not allow them to covet. We must not fixate them within our minds and entertain them in our hearts. This is a conscience act. A stray thought is a spark in the mind and easily snuffed. But if we capture that thought, and dwell upon it, and nurse it into a fire, it will grow. Carnal thoughts are kindling to fires that will burn your life. When kindling comes along, discard it. Likewise, dwelling on the things of God is a conscience act, to be nurtured and perfected.
"I will break into your thoughts with what's written on my heart
I will break, break"
Friday, 1 July 2016
Do what is necessary
If you're like me, you sometimes feel like you're dragging your Christian feet. Many times I ponder, what am I supposed to do? What is God's direction for my life? How am I to serve Him and engage the world around me? I think many times, I simply overthink it. Instead of analyzing how I'm supposed to change the world on some momentous scale, I need to simply be obedient in my neighborhood.
I'm not Mother Teresa, yet perhaps i can buy a burger for a homeless man on the street.
I'm not Billy Graham, yet perhaps I can share my faith with someone close by.
God can use you, to move mountains, even if only in the life of one person.
born again - the metamorphosis of sanctification
of birth, of beauty with the power to fly,
of metamorphosis, of being born again and at one within the sky .. next to God.
it is the path we all take from the dirt to the clouds.
thank God for the chrysalis, that changes the worm,
thank God for the Christ, that changes the soul into something beautiful.
Monday, 27 June 2016
Finding the black and white in the grey.
Sunday, 5 June 2016
Evil and Augustine
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Hints and warnings – God’s voice through others
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
God’s eyes: Tale of two souls
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 (NKJV)
I perceived two people, one devoured by shadows and the other emitting God's light; I wish to compare and contrast these dissimilar souls, both of which I met this week. They are like opposite poles on a magnet that repel one another in lifestyle and outlook. I don’t believe I have met two more divergent individuals. Both of them are struggling with life setbacks, one more of his own making, and the other by nature of her birthplace. On the one hand a man of superficial outward strength, and on the other, a woman of veiled inward strength. It is interesting how two people encumbered in a similar happenstance would react so differently to the world around them: One with anger whose desire is for himself, and the other with love whose desire is for others. Equally interesting is how the fallen world would measure them, if it happened to share a moment in their company.
Two people walk into a room. The first one is a man so physically strong that he dents the door knob as he turns it. The world stares in admiration of his presence. He is a physical tiger by outward appearances. Yet spiritually, he is a dying neonatal kitten. The second person, no one notices. She is a tiny, unhealthy physical specimen. Her entire body would weigh as much as the first guy’s arm. Yet, her soul touches God, and as such, she could bench-press the universe. I wish the world would see with God’s eyes.
Friday, 6 May 2016
My Sinful Old Shirt
"I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin." (Romans 7: 21-25)
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
An inconsistency in evolutionary logic …
Sunday, 24 April 2016
The Metrosexual Church

Tuesday, 19 April 2016
How demons shape our world - Tale of 2 World Religions
17 One of the men in the crowd spoke up and said, “Teacher, I brought my son so you could heal him. He is possessed by an evil spirit that won’t let him talk. 18 And whenever this spirit seizes him, it throws him violently to the ground. Then he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid. So I asked your disciples to cast out the evil spirit, but they couldn’t do it.”
19 Jesus said to them, “You faithless people! How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.”
20 So they brought the boy. But when the evil spirit saw Jesus, it threw the child into a violent convulsion, and he fell to the ground, writhing and foaming at the mouth.
21 “How long has this been happening?” Jesus asked the boy’s father.
He replied, “Since he was a little boy. 22 The spirit often throws him into the fire or into water, trying to kill him. Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.”
23 “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”
24 The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!”
25 When Jesus saw that the crowd of onlookers was growing, he rebuked the evil spirit. “Listen, you spirit that makes this boy unable to hear and speak,” he said. “I command you to come out of this child and never enter him again!”
26 Then the spirit screamed and threw the boy into another violent convulsion and left him. The boy appeared to be dead. A murmur ran through the crowd as people said, “He’s dead.” 27 But Jesus took him by the hand and helped him to his feet, and he stood up. (Mark 9:17-26 NLT)
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Men are pigs – advice for women wallowing for courtship
Whitney Houston once asked, how will you know if he really loves you? There are millions upon millions of single ladies out there, musing about the pairing possibilities in their general proximity. This is not unique to the human condition, but is ingrained within much of the Animalia Kingdom. Their eyes are peeled for the magnificent, and at times odd, courtship rituals that the opposite sex will use to entice them. These displays assure the female that the male is strong, beautiful, capable of supporting a family, and healthy. Sexual dimorphism is the reality and starting point for the continuation of humanity. And it creates a wondrous sexual tension, a magnetism, perhaps an animal magnetism, to draw these anatomically divergent creatures together.
Plato recognized this tension in his theory of forms. He contemplated that there was only one “formal” reality for humanity: and that the male and female sexes, were infact two different halves of that form. Meaning, that men and women were akin to puzzles, and only find completion when they come together in a marital arrangement. This was the only form, as far as I am aware of, that required two pieces to find completion, or wholeness. I say this not because I’m a Platonist or that I believe you need to be married to he whole, heaven forbid, but to illustrate the “formal” beauty and purity seen in this relationship. Paul was actually quite fond of the single lifestyle (1 Corinthians 7:8). But even the pre-Christian ancient Greeks recognized the importance of this union.
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Dark Spirits - A black hole trying to take your light
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Prosperity doctrine – a graceful elixir, going to the highest bidder

Monday, 11 January 2016
Dr. Seuss' Prolife Lesson?
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
Listen ... I bring Good News
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Lifehouse's Everything Drama