Whitney Houston once asked, how will you know if he really loves you? There are millions upon millions of single ladies out there, musing about the pairing possibilities in their general proximity. This is not unique to the human condition, but is ingrained within much of the Animalia Kingdom. Their eyes are peeled for the magnificent, and at times odd, courtship rituals that the opposite sex will use to entice them. These displays assure the female that the male is strong, beautiful, capable of supporting a family, and healthy. Sexual dimorphism is the reality and starting point for the continuation of humanity. And it creates a wondrous sexual tension, a magnetism, perhaps an animal magnetism, to draw these anatomically divergent creatures together.
Plato recognized this tension in his theory of forms. He contemplated that there was only one “formal” reality for humanity: and that the male and female sexes, were infact two different halves of that form. Meaning, that men and women were akin to puzzles, and only find completion when they come together in a marital arrangement. This was the only form, as far as I am aware of, that required two pieces to find completion, or wholeness. I say this not because I’m a Platonist or that I believe you need to be married to he whole, heaven forbid, but to illustrate the “formal” beauty and purity seen in this relationship. Paul was actually quite fond of the single lifestyle (1 Corinthians 7:8). But even the pre-Christian ancient Greeks recognized the importance of this union.